Archive for creative writing

Absolutely nowhere

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on January 4, 2012 by koolnstuff

You know, some of the strangest things happen out of nowhere.

Since the beginning of the school year, I’ve been taking a writing class and I’ve learned a lot. I’m bringing this up because the semester is almost over and when it ends so will my creative writing class… But yeah, I’m really glad i took that class because I’ve been able to really do things and figure out what it is I’m good at in terms of writing. It doesn’t seem like I’m a writer because of this blog but i really am, I just don’t do it here because I’m Mrs.McLazy but when I’ve got an actual pencil and paper, I go all out. Anywho, what I’m trying to say is, I’m going to miss my creative writing class and all the different sorts of inspiration it provided me with 🙂

Sorry, this post had like NOTHING to do with the first sentence.